Friday, October 11, 2013

Aja 30

The birthday week started on the 5th Oct - High Tea at The Majestic KL with the Birds, the Rambbits and the Mei's.

that bottle of wine from Majestic was the centre of much fuss between the birthday girls.

The Birds adjourned to Tualangdiso for an extended session.

The bottle of 1996 Vintage Don Perignon, kept for more than 10 years, was finally popped and poured. That might have ensured the Opus One bottle was safe =]

Second major Aja 30 birthday week was lunch with the Penang gang at Sek Yuen.

The food was so good no one took any pix. NONE! The food was that good.
Well, birthday girl got her own steam fish, lots of love from the hometown friends and a few pressies, including this one the husband duly enhanced.

10th day of the 10th month - actual day.

Vid by Adrian